Wednesday, April 22, 2015

President Nixon to President Reagan Webquest

Modern Day US History

Learning Target: We will explain the major events during the presidency of Richard Nixon to the presidency of Ronald Reagan.

President Nixon: 1969 to 1974

Détente period of the Cold War

1.  What does détente mean?

2.  Why does this détente period take place?

Watch this short video about the Watergate Scandal.

3.  Describe the Watergate Scandal in your own words.

Watch this video of a famous speech given by President Nixon.

4.  President Nixon famously stated, "I am not a crook" before he would eventually resign from office less than a year later.  Based on the Watergate scandal, how do you think the public reacted to this speech? Do you think they believed him?  Why or why not?

Read the red paragraph in this article.

5.  How did the Watergate Scandal end for President Nixon?  Who took his place?

President Ford: 1974 to 1977

"Day in History" 

6.  What does it mean that Ford "pardoned" Nixon?

7.  How do you think this decision affects the public opinion about President Ford?

President Carter: 1977 to 1981

CNN fast facts

8.  What is the purpose of the Camp David Accords?

9.  What did the Camp David Accords fail to accomplish?

10.  Why do you think this is considered the biggest success of Carter's presidency?

President Reagan: 1981 to 1989

Watch this closing speech given by Reagan during the 1980 election.

11.  What questions does Reagan ask the American people to consider?

12.  Do you think this speech was effective why or why not?

Look at this election map.

13. How many states did Reagan lose during the 1980 election?  How many states did Reagan win?  What does this tell you about his popularity?

Watch this speech given by President Reagan in Berlin, Germany.

14.  What "wall" is Reagan referring to in this speech?

15.  What is the purpose of the speech?  Do you think it was effective?  Why or why not?

Read the 1st paragraph 

16.  How does the Cold War change during Reagan's presidency?

17.  What is the ultimate outcome of the Cold War?


18.  In your own words, give a definition for conservatism.


19.  What is the definition of "Reaganomics?"

20.  How does this website explain "supply side economics" and "trickle down theory?"  Do you think these economic policies are effective?  Why or why not?

Strategic Defense Initiative. 

21.  What is the program nicknamed?

22.  Describe the program & why it was needed during the Cold War.

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